Sunday, September 26, 2010

Update to The Ex, Inlaws and Death

Big surprise when I say that I ended up having to tell them myself. What's so sad about it though was the reaction of the children. They were not phased at all. So that goes to show what kind of relationship the children have with their paternal grandparents. The good thing about that is the fact that I understand. I was closer to my mother's family than my father's family -- truthfully those ppl don't exist for me. So for my children to not show so much emotion about it -- I get it. It's the kind of situation where it never really mattered whether or not their son and I stayed married or not -- they were not gonna be there point blank.

So, what happened at the memorial/funeral? If they had a memorial for him I was not aware. I guess there was so much family drama it hindered what was supposed to be taking place --mourning a man's life. So not only did my children not show too much emotion they didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. Long story short I am beyond grateful I have nothing to do with any of that anymore.

This week's topic: Coming to grips with the character of your former mate

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